Learn about Video Production
GUIDES | Courses | Mentoring
Get Started in Videography for Less than $1,000
* FREE *
If you're already a professional photographer, get yourself started in videography with the right gear for less than $1,000
How to Make a trailer
A complete virtual presentation with 1 hour live instruction with 20+ pages to aid you. Learn how I ingest, organize, find music, lay the foundation, piece the puzzle together, color, stabilize & export my trailers

95 USD
Intro to Videography Course
A complete video course with 1 hour live instruction and 40+ page workbook to aid you. Learn about resolutions, framerates, camera settings, gear, shooting theory, perspective, business topics like pricing, a la carte, deliverables, and more, all packed into one visually stunning presentation.

195 USD
Intro to editing Course
Learn from the ground up how to edit with me. Includes story telling theory, organization, coloring, audio clean up. Also watch me live edit a wedding and break down the entire process.
295 usd
1-on-1 Mentoring
Includes all guides & courses
Live edit via screen share together
Check-in's & accountability
Video review
Website review
In-person shooting opportunities (MD/DC/VA)*
* Available to travel